CRO vs Agency? Why choose MediComm Partners to deliver your next Investigator Meeting.

Investigator Meetings are an intrinsic part of a clinical trial, so make the most of them by getting specialist support to help you manage rising costs, time to market, engage audiences, retain content and enhance relationships between sites and sponsors.

Plus, there is also a very real cost-benefit of using a specialist agency like MediComm Partners, rather than adding it to the list of activities for your CRO. Your CRO’s expertise is in getting patients on to your trial and not necessarily in delivering the Investigator Meeting. In our experience, they subcontract elements of the event management which leads to double layers of charges, the agency fees, and the CRO associated management costs - which on a series of investigator meetings could be very costly.

If that’s not reason enough to talk to a specialist, here are three key areas where we add value:

Standing out from the crowd

Investigators go to hundreds of meetings, all competing for their time and attention. Through our wealth of experience, we know how to make your meeting stand out from the crowd and ultimately how to make your company and your drug memorable. All you need to do is give us the study protocol and we’ll do the rest. There’s no need to spend your valuable time preparing event content and thinking about clinical scenarios to use as we can do it all. We’ll even take the job of presenting out of your hands if required.

Here are some of the things we’ll focus on:

  1. Using a mix of learning tools – workshops, patient scenarios, case studies, real experiences, hard data as well as anecdotal information. All of this to really bring your study to life so investigators connect with what you are trying to achieve.

  2. Retention rates are higher when we learn through interaction – adding competition is always a winning combination. We’ll use techniques for you like gamification to reinforce the learning in a fun way.

  3. Combining office-based e-learning with engaging scenario-based training to make the most of the time at the Investigator Meeting.

  4. Designing content and delivery incorporating disease area, mechanism of action, safety reporting, study logistics, and training.

Understanding your audience to achieve your objectives

We know Investigators want more time to review the protocol and to spend on scientific background, so we design our meetings with that in mind to really give investigators what they need.

  • Capture valuable information on what your audience already knows, helping us to customise the training to be as effective as possible. Our aim is to minimise the amount of time spent on covering generic content, so we can use most of the valuable time at the meeting to deliver the specific scientific content.

  • On-site tools like delegate keypads to get live audience data and gauge opinion and understanding.

  • Ongoing research to keep up with the latest trends so that we continue to design great investigator meetings.

Meticulous event management

We know that the value in these meetings comes from people coming together – talking, discussing, sharing experiences, and enhancing relationships between sites and sponsors. To make the most of the time you have with your audience, their experience throughout the meeting must be the best it can be. We never underestimate that meticulous event management can be the difference between a great meeting and a waste of time and money.

  • Smooth travel arrangements, comfortable surroundings, a memorable place as well as the facilities to encourage connections and discussions. We know what works and what doesn’t.

  • We also have the experience and connections to get the best value for your arrangements, with strong global supplier relationships to effectively negotiate rates on your behalf.

This is just a flavour of how we work. If you’d like to know more about how we could help you with your next Investigator Meeting, please get in touch for an initial discussion.

ArticlesHelen Bishop